Friday, April 3, 2009

Spring Forward!

I can't even believe it. It's April!
Spring is here and with it many changes coming our way.
Bruce will be leaving the USA soon, he's heading down to Mexico. he's going to turn chocolate!
Dad's MRI showed improvement - tumor shrunk from 4.4 cm to 3.8cm ( I'm rounding it to a whole cm. I know it's not mathematically correct, but I get to say what I want. I have the power to do so!).
Brandon and Nelly's baby will be here soon! Boy or girl? 50% chances is one or the other.
Way to go Brandon! You are graduating!
With graduation comes the moving away....I'm kind of sad! But at the same time happy, and excited for their new future.
Oh, yea...yard work.
Let's not forget my favorite - Spring Cleaning!
April showers bring May flowers!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Mission Day!

Who would have ever thought that this day would come. Talk about bitter-sweet! Who is bitter and who is sweet? Ha ha ha!
Way to go Bruce!
Definitely sweet!
Where is Sam?

Friday, January 23, 2009

A heavenly voice

I love to hear children playing: their cheerful innocence, their happy voices, their life full of dreams and imagination, no obstacles on their way.
The world is like a magical place full of possibilities.
There's nothing like the enthusiastic chatter of a child. There is no hesitation in sharing their life with everyone who entreats them.
The communication is clear and sincere, and important: dogs, butterflies, sandcastles, birds, fairies...
It is oh so enjoyable to hear my granddaughter's voice when we talk on the phone, or when she comes to visit.
What a simple thing to brighten any day. Just listen.

Monday, January 19, 2009


Yes, I have a love/hate relationship with Mondays. I love to start new weeks, so many promising moments ahead, one being emails. Yes, it seems that I wait for a specific email all day. I go through the day checking every hour, actually, every time I'm close to a computer there is an irresistible attraction, just like bear to honey. Did I get my email?!
Don't take me wrong, I appreciate anyone who wants to send me an email. Well, not everyone.
And yes, I got my email today!
I can live now.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

At the beginning...

Every story has a beginnig, a middle and an end.
Do you have to start at the beginning? Some of us would say no. Isn't the middle where the good stuff is?
Here we go...